A Folio Future…are you ready? The e-volution of Interior Design Portfolios

Guest Blogger: Kristyn Ivey

Eight months ago I set out on a mission to find out what design professionals and students thought about the future of interior design portfolios.  140 survey respondents, 70 pages of findings, 5 hours of video footage, and one graduate degree in interior design later I’m able to report the following conclusions and recommendations:

ONE: Recognize preferred methods of portfolio design and visual communication are changing as the interior design industry e-volves. Ensure your portfolio presentation format is a flexible, adaptable, and progressive display of your work that can be accessible at any time/place.

TWO: Prepare for professionals who are exercising the “digital screen” when initially introduced to your work or when preparing for a virtual interview. Make sure you leave a professional and memorable digital impression by leveraging the advantages and mitigating the disadvantages of digital portfolio presentation in virtual environments.

THREE: Prepare for the future. The digital design portfolio or a combination of traditional/digital will become more of a standard; particularly during career networking events and in-person interviews. Consider your environment. While the digital portfolio has not replaced the physical or traditional portfolio with all employers and in all circumstances, it is a viable element to have available in preparation for the future.

FOUR: Utilize professional social networks appropriately to connect with industry and showcase your work. Create an online presence by connecting with professionals in virtual settings that are most familiar to them, such as LinkedIn or professional blogs.

FIVE: Always keep the reviewer, firm/organization and their culture in mind when selecting a portfolio presentation platform. Mirror how a firm markets/brands itself and showcases its work to a community of professionals, students and clients.

Looking for more details re: the future of interior design portfolios?  Watch the following two-part presentation, which includes design students and professionals sharing their thoughts on the subject:

For more information and other episodes from the on:design vidblog visit: www.kristynivey.com

Kristyn Ivey is an IIDA member and recent graduate of the masters in interior design program at Marymount University in Arlington, VA.

8 responses to “A Folio Future…are you ready? The e-volution of Interior Design Portfolios

  1. Perfect timing for this post! Linking this on a post I just wrote immediately!

  2. Thanks Juxtaposition Design ! Just read your blog posting on portfolios. I’m definitely going to check out the “Flaunt” book soon. FYI – Other resources coming soon: Maureen Mitton’s new book “Portfolios for Interior Designers” (to be released September 2010) and a 4th edition of Harold Linton’s book “Portfolio Design”… also “Building Design Portfolios” by Sara Eisenman (2006) has some extremely innovative examples. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks for the recommendations! I will do some googling and check them out 🙂

  4. I like your posting on Interior Design Portfolios.
    I think it’s interesting and also informative at the same time. The videos are nice too.
    Looking forward for your next smart postings.

  5. Thank you for the feedback! I’m currently preparing to leave for NeoCon 2010 so feel free to subscribe to my vidblog channel to get notifications on the latest design coverage (http://www.youtube.com/user/kristynivey)

  6. to Juxtaposition Design – Lisa – it was nice meeting you in person during NeoCon. Hope you got some great feedback on your portfolio during the workshop (I know I did :)). Looking forward to keeping in touch!

  7. Great resource!

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